About me

I am a PhD candidate in Computer Science & Engineering (CSE) at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), advised by Prof. Junchi Yan. Prior to this, I received my bachelor’s degree from Shandong University (SDU). My research topics include graph neural networks and generative models. Specifically, I am interested in developing robust learning systems of quantum many-body physics.

I am always open for collaboration opportunities and please feel free to contact me via email: yehuitang@sjtu.edu.cn

Recent News

  • May 2024: One paper is accepted to ICML.
  • Feb 2024: One paper is accepted to CVPR. Congrats to Hao Xiong!
  • Jan 2024: Two papers are accepted by ICLR, one of which is accepted as a spotlight (top 5%).
  • Sep 2022: One paper is accepted to NeurIPS.


  • B.S. in School of Control Science and Engineering, Shandong University, 2016-2020.
  • Ph.D in Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2020-Present.


  1. SSL4Q: Semi-Supervised Learning of Quantum Data with Application to Quantum State Classification
    Yehui Tang, Nianzu Yang, Mabiao Long, Junchi Yan.
    ICML (2024). [PDF]

  2. Towards LLM4QPE: Unsupervised Pretraining of Quantum Property Estimation and A Benchmark
    Yehui Tang, Hao Xiong, Nianzu Yang, Tailong Xiao, Junchi Yan.
    ICLR spotlight (2024). [PDF]

  3. Node2ket: Efficient High-Dimensional Network Embedding in Quantum Hilbert Space
    Hao Xiong, Yehui Tang, Yunlin He, Wei Tan, Junchi Yan.
    ICLR (2024). [PDF] [Code]

  4. Circuit Design and Efficient Simulation of Quantum Inner Product and Empirical Studies of Its Effect on Near-Term Hybrid Quantum-Classic Machine Learning
    Hao Xiong\(\dagger\), Yehui Tang\(\dagger\) (co-first author), Xinyu Ye\(\dagger\), Junchi Yan.
    CVPR (2024). [PDF] [Code]

  5. Recent Progress and Perspectives on Quantum Computing for Finance
    Yehui Tang, Junchi Yan, Guoqiang Hu, Baohua Zhang, Jinzan Zhou.
    SOCA (2022). [PDF]

  6. GraphQNTK: Quantum Neural Tangent Kernel for Graph Data
    Yehui Tang, Junchi Yan.
    NeurIPS (2022). [PDF] [Code]

  7. Towards a Native Quantum Paradigm for Graph Representation Learning: A Sampling-based Recurrent Embedding Approach
    Ge Yan, Yehui Tang, Junchi Yan.
    SIGKDD (2022). [PDF]

Academic Services

I serve as Reviewer for NeurIPS 2022-2024, ICLR 2023-2024, ICML 2023-2024, CVPR 2024, SIGKDD 2023.